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BIOLAWEB experts in an exclusive interview for RTS’ Edu global (4 June 2023)

13th Jun 2023

by Biolaweb

BIOLAWEB experts in an exclusive interview for RTS’ Edu global (4 June 2023)

Dr Miloš Ćirić from UB-ICTM, dr Susanne Schneider from NIVA, and dr Frederic Rimet from the INRAE, BIOLAWEB’s experts in the field of water biomonitoring, spoke to Serbia’s national media outlet RTS (Radio Television of Serbia), TV show Edu global, about the crucial role of water monitoring in Serbia. The interviews took place at the premises of UB-ICTM during the first roundtable on water biomonitoring organized by the BIOLAWEB project on March 28th, 2023. The Edu Global show was broadcast on June 4th, 2023.

During an exclusive interview, the experts shed light on the pressing need for efficient water monitoring and emphasized the significance of the BIOLAWEB project in achieving this goal.  The experts explained the basic concept of a new approach in biomonitoring based on environmental DNA, known as metabarcoding, and pointed out the advantages of its application in practice. At the end of their interview, the experts concluded that for healthy aquatic ecosystems and the well-being of future generations, we need to apply standardized and up-to-date monitoring in all European countries.  

For more detailed information and other BIOLAWEB project activities, you can watch the whole interview HERE.