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WP3 - Training and networking

The objectives of this work package are:

  • To train UB-ICTM in the development of status indicators that are in accordance with the demands of the EU Water Framework Directive;
  • To train UB-ICTM in the application of metabarcoding and the sampling and analyses of eDNA.


construction Workshop
sunny Summer school
emoji_nature Field excersize
flag_circle Short term scientific mission


Project management and the types of projects - Dragana Zlatović
Finanansijsko upravljanje Horizon Europe projektima - Katarina Milanović
Lump Sum in HE projects - Tatjana Božić
BIOLAWEB General overview - Miloš Ćirić
Twinning to address the PFAS challenge in Serbia PFAStwin - Marija Lješević
STEPUPIORS Evolution and insights - Milena Čavić
Success Story of UNS Faculty of Sciences - Gordana Vlahović
INRAE, an example of good practice - Herve Dumond
How to manage international research, examples from NIVA - Susanne Schneider
Maximizing the impact and visibility of the research project - Vladan Ćosović
Open Science - Matija Zlatar
Introduction to bioindication - part1 - Susanne C. Schneider
Introduction to bioindication - part2 - Susanne C. Schneider
Introduction to bioindication - part3 - Susanne C. Schneider
Aquatic macrophytes - Andreas Ballot
Sampling of aquatic macrophytes - Andreas Ballot
DNA introduction - Andreas Ballot
DNA extraction - Andreas Ballot
Barcoding Metabarcoding - Andreas Ballot
Diatom metabarcoding - Frederic Rimet
R introduction - Claris Lemonier
Metabarcoding data - Claris Lemonier
Beta diversity - Benjamin Alric
Phylogenies and ecology - Frederic Rimet
How to prepare a consortium agreement - Hervé Dumont
How to build a competitive proposal to Horizon Europe - Louise Vaast
Horizon Europe financial rules - Antoine Moatti
Financial management of HE Grants, case study - Antoine Moatti
General introduction - Agnès Bouchez
Metabarcoding, main steps - part 1 - Clarisse Lemonnier
Metabarcoding, main steps - part 2 - Clarisse Lemonnier
Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 1 - Frédéric Rimet
Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 2 - Frédéric Rimet
Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 2 - Agnès Bouchez
Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 3 - Frédéric Rimet
Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 4 - Frédéric Rimet
Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 4 - Agnès Bouchez
Phytoplankton for biomonitoring reminders - part 1 - Frédéric Rimet
Phytoplankton metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 2 and 3 - Clarisse Lemonnier
Phytoplankton metabarcoding for biomonitoring - part 4 - Benjamin Alric
Technology transfer - part 1 - Agnès Bouchez
Technology transfer - part 2 - Frédéric Rimet
Skills evaluation
Bioinformatic analysis of metabarcoding data_DADA2_pipeline_Introduction to R
Bioinformatic analysis of metabarcoding data_DADA2_pipeline_Theorical part
Bioinformatic analysis of metabarcoding data_DADA2_pipeline_Practical part